Friday, August 13, 2004

She's not even Greek

I was watching the opening ceremony to the Olympics, as I do every 4 years, and I must admit it was an excellent show. Not quite as good as the one in Syndey mind, and I was always partial to the one in Barcelona (mostly because it had this brunette in a short skirt who was quite a little bit saucy - was very glad I recorded that one).

The real problem with the Athens ceremony was that just prior to the raising of the Olympic flag and the lighting of the flame, there was a famous *singer* performing (when I say performing, she was actually very clearly miming her way through it).

Who was it? I hear you cry. Actually maybe not, cos you probably watched it too. But if you didn't (Phut), it was Bjork. Yes, Bjork. That silly Icelandic witch who has no talent. What the bloody hell was she doing there? Amazing.

Anyway, here comes two weeks of drug-assisted feats of pharmaceutical endurance, and I for one am looking forward to it. I just hope nobody Italian wins a gold medal - it's bad enough listening to that stupid diddly-diddly national anthem after every Grand Prix, I think I'll go postal if I hear it at the games as well.

Thats it for now, and just remember children:

Arguing on the internet is just like competing in the Special Olympics - even if you win, you're still retarded.


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