Sunday, October 24, 2004

Back to normal

Well I have finally returned. Unfortunately, Tiger Woods 2003 sucked an astonishing amount of my life away - but now I have finished it I can sit back in satisfaction and wonder how on earth else to fill may days.

I did have a fleeting visit to the UK this week. It sucked. I did have my first fish n chips in over a year which albeit soggy was very good indeed, but other than that not a good visit. Firstly I fucked up on the time zones - not something I'm prone to doing considering I actually work in two different zones - but I managed it and as a result only had something like 4 hours sleep.

I was in the UK for a hospital appointment. Those of you who know me are aware that I have the crappiest right leg (or hip at least) known to man. It is so screwed up and so much shorter than the other than I have to stand my right leg on tiptoes when I take a piss to stop falling over. Believe me, Christopher Reeve doesn't know qute how good he had it.

So I have been on the NHS waiting list for an operation for two years now. Finally the date arrives and the stupid bastards send the letter to my old address, forcing me to miss my appointment and go back to square one. 2 further years of pain thank you doctor. I saw the specialist and he has promised, as a result of the cock-ups, to give me the operation by anout January time. Fantastic! I cried, until he pointed out that I would have to be off work for a minimum of two months afterward. Not as fantastic when you only receive government sick pay.

So it looks like I'm going to be waiting for a while. If you see a miserable looking bastard limping round Paris, mug him. Hopefully it's me - medical insurance kicks in for something non self-inflicted.

Back to the bourbon.


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