Sunday, January 23, 2005

Traffic Management

OK, once again I've got a bug up my ass about something.

What is this?

That's right, it's a box junction. There is one very simple rule when it comes to box junctions: Never enter it unless your exit is clear. The reasoning behind this is pretty simple, if you block the junction you immediately gridlock all traffic around you.

Unfortunately, here in Paris it is compounded by a major problem, one that may be replicated in other cities, but I'm not sure. And as I don't work in other cities, I'm not really that fussed.

Traffic lights, the bane of my life. With deference to my friend Ben for the theory, it seems that every time a Parisian is born, the birth is immortalised by the erection (Hurr hurr he said 'erection') of a new traffic light. On some roads in Paris they are separated by a space of only about 20 feet. This would not be a problem if the light phasing was co-ordinated between the two. It's not.

I understand that the sheer logistics and mathematics involved in traffic light phasing are enormous, as far as I am concerned there is one simple rule to understand. If a light is green long enough to allow, say, 5 vehicles through before it changes, ensure that the next traffic light is slightly more than 5 car lengths away. Failure to do this, as I am sure you will realise, causes enormous traffic jams, and I for one, am fed up of them.

I think I need some Valium now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Road planners the world over are morons. They sit in their offices and probably cycle to work, about 200yds max, never actually using a car. Then they invent the worlds most insane junctions and roads for the rest of us to use.

They also think there are 1960s levels of traffic on the road, and don't understand that you can't see the paint on the road because there is a *car* on top of it....


12:44 AM  
Blogger Mick Flynn Images said...

When I was doing my Class 1 there was a road in Manchester where you had to leave 3 box junctions in a row clear...or you failed your test.
It was nigh on impossible, and I failed anyway.
I like the mini-roundabouts (have you seen them?), it's hilarious watching people get confused and STOP every time, waving each other on from both sides..."You just give way to the right as per normal ones".

1:21 AM  

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